Tuesday 4 March 2008

On being second best

I'm in a regular Monday night quiz team. Well that's not entirely accurate. I'm in a quiz team that competes in a league where the quizzes take place on alternate Monday evenings (excluding Christmas and Easter) between October and May. Or that's how it was, the club where the quiz takes place is closing in April, so we're having to have a quiz every Monday so that we'll complete the season before the club closes. I've been in the team for just over seven years now, having been brought in when one of the original team members died. In the early years I did have a sense of being second best, of not being a full part of the team - but that has long since faded.

Every year we've finished first or second in the league. In recent years more often second than first. Always second to the same team This season we've usually finished each quiz as runners-up. To the same team. Yesterday we tied for first. Not an outright win. Second best.


Pat said...

Hi John! i was above you in Petite Anglaise's comment box; dropped in from curiosity and remembering how one values comments in the beginning - and later too of course - thought I would say welcome to blogland and I hope you have as much fun as I have had over the last two years.

John said...

Thanks pi. Much appreciated